Today's the day! One hundred years ago, on 21 December 1913, Arthur Wynne published the first crossword ( you can try solving it here !). He called it 'Wordcross' ... But a few weeks later, a typesetter made a mistake and wrote Crossword ... And we've called them that ever since! This puzzle has grown in that time to be one of the most popular puzzles around, worldwide. To celebrate this special occasion, Google and famous American setter Merle Reagle got together and created this interactive crossword . And from me, here is a new cryptic clue competition for you all to enter! Rule Thingies 1) Write an anagram clue for the word CENTENNIAL . Your clue has to contain a definition for CENTENNIAL, an anagram indictor, and the anagram fodder (an exact anagram of CENTENNIAL). See below for more information. 2) Submit your clue as a comment on this post. Please sign your clue with your first name or alias (especially important for those of you posting A...
A blog for people who love puzzles. With a little indexing and editing on the side.