It's been a while since I dissected a Gemini Cryptic; here's the first one for 2014 ... This one appeared in the Monday 13 January issue of The Canberra Times. The Gemini Cryptic is a British cryptic, set by two people. More detail here. As ever, the definition is underlined (except in double and cryptic definition clues). ACROSS 1) He requires staff for the spring (4-7) = POLE-VAULTER Cryptic definition. Nothing to do with hiring people, this guy needs a pole to spring up with! 9) Vindication of French miscreant (7) = DEFENCE Charade clue. Of French = DE ('of' in French) + FENCE (a miscreant, as in someone who received stolen goods). 10) Cool courage is never shattered (5) = NERVE Anagram ( shattered ) of never. 11) She's not improved by the golden touch (4) = LILY Cryptic definition. Reference to 'gild the lily' and a girl's name. 12) In use can turn into a problem (8) = NUISANCE Anagram ( turn into ) of i...
A blog for people who love puzzles. With a little indexing and editing on the side.